Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Breaking barriers through English

High school is a nostalgic period in life journey.It is a time where lifelong

friendship are made,hearts are broken and one's biggest worry is selecting a date

for the senior prom.It is also a line for teenagers to branch out,gain

independence, and begin their trek for self discovery.For most individuals,this

picture of high school is accurate.However my sisters experience was anything

but a reflection of what I described above.She does not look back on that era in her life with longing,but rather with unceasing and distress.These

uncharacteristic feelings of her high school years are due to the fact that for also

the entire four years,She suffered from social anxiety disorder.Social Anxiety

disorder or social phobia can be defined as an intense fear of being judge and

evaluated by everyone including one's peers as well as stranger.It is one of the

least understood disorders by psychologists and affects only seven percent by the

population.In most uses,individuals affected with the problems do not

recognize.They are suffering from this disorder and often ones take it for shyness.


  1. I've just read your post and really appreciate it..keep it up.

  2. ..what a fantastic post you have best..And it was very nice...just keep up the good job..

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hello Genevieve,I really appreciate your post specially the shyness of one person because it will makes our lives meaningless,GOOD JOB keep up the good work
